Infernape ex Deck Breakdown

Infernape Giratina - the deck plays around with a lot of Pivots and benefiting of as a Cheap attacker. Making good use of Giratina switch into Infernape and then using Dawn.

Infernape Moltres excels at setting up both itself and Arcanine, but it lacks the high damage output that Charizard provides.

Dawn helps Moltres to become a attacker when you flip 1 head ,you can attack for 70 with Moltres on turn 2 to get a knock out against basic non-ex. As a result, Infernape decklists either include or cut Arcanine, just like Charizard decks. It is still uncertain which of these two decks will prove to be the stronger option.

Deck Statistics

Tournaments only

automated based on the last week of Ladder + tournament decks

Best Infernape ex Decks