Pachirisu ex Deck Breakdown

Pachirisu decks are split between 18t and Pikachu variants. Both decks are struggling against the current high damage meta.

This version utilizes early Sabrina to force the opponent into an switching and discarding the energy. Either switching out and losing momentum or accepting an early knockout. Additionally, when the opponent switches, Cyrus ensures that the second target is easily knocked out.

Pachirisu ⁠pikachu-ex Pikachu decks come in many forms, and Pachirisu Pikachu has been the most surprising among them in tournament play due to Dawn. The deck uses X-Speed to enable free retreats into Dawn. Dawn plays a crucial role by attaching 1 Energy from the Bench to the Active Pokémon. Since the deck relies on 2-Energy attackers, this setup effectively keeps Pikachu/Pachirisu at full health during switches, ensuring continuous pressure. -BellaVGC

Deck Statistics

Tournaments only

automated based on the last week of Ladder + tournament decks

Best Pachirisu ex Decks