
5+ Winstreak from on February 6th, 2025

Notes & Combos

Strategy 1 GOOD card DRAW Start with Regice. Put 2 Magnemite and 1 Dratini on bench. Put energy on Regice until Regice has 2 water energy unless can be KO in 2 turns. In that case put no energy on Regice. Put water energy on Dratini evolution chain instead. Fully evolve Magnemite. Fully evolve Dratini. Use Volt Charge every turn until evolving. Only when Dragonair or Dragonite is active use Dawn. If Regice is KO replace with Dragonite when possible. If not replace with Regice. In all other cases relpace active Pokemon with Regice when possible. If not replace with Dratini chain or Magnemite chain. Use remaining Dawn when needed.

Strategy 2 BAD card DRAW Start with Magnemite. Retreat Magnemite evolution chain with Regice or Dratini when possible. Put 1 Regice 1 Dratini and Magnemite on bench when possible. Put energy on active Magnemite chain until you have a bench. The first time a basic is on bench attach 1 energy to it. When Regice or Dratini chain are in active position attach energy each turn until they have the exact amount of water energy they can use to attack unless they can be KO before reaching that amount. If your active Pokemon can be KO before having enough energy to attack and there is a Pokemon on your bench put water energy on your benched Pokemon instead Dragonite Regice Dragonair Dratini Magnemite evolution chain. Evolve each Magnemite to Magneton and Magneton to Magnezone asap. Evolve each Dratini to Dragonair and Dragonair to Dragonite. Use Volt Charge every turn until Magneton evolves into Magnezone. Only when Dragonair or Dragonite is in the active position use 1 Dawn for each Dratini evolution chain to make sure Dragonair or Dragonite has the required energy to attack. If your active Pokemon is KO replace with Regice when possible. If no Regice is available for replacement replace with Dratini evolution chain or Magnemite evolution chain. Use remaining Dawn when needed.

Strong vs Pokemon with low HP or that rely on effects of attacks

Weak vs Pokemon that heal or take –damage

Tips Always have a backup plan. Sacrifice Pokemon to win. Use only water energy. Dawn is best used to give Dragonite 1 lightning energy. The best time to evolve Magneton is to win the match. Protect Magnemite evolution chain unless using it to win the match. If Dragonair can KO KO before evolving. Use Volt Charge before evolving to Magnezone. When retreating and evolving Magnemite on the same turn retreat then evolve. When in doubt save lightning energy.

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