Notes & Combos
Strategy 1 ELECTABUZZ in opening HAND Start with Electabuzz in the active position. Put 2 Magnemite and the remaning Electabuzz on the bench. Use Leaf to protect Magnemite, Electabuzz and Magneton when possible. Put only 1 energy on Electabuzz and attack. Evolve each Magnemite to Magneton and Magneton to Magnezone. Evolve each Electabuzz to Electivire. Use Volt Charge every turn until Magneton evolves into Magnezone. Make sure Electivire has exactly 4 energy in any of the 4 ways. Evolve Magneton into Magnezone to replace Electabuzz if needed, if there are 2 Magnetons on the bench or to attack with Magnezone. Use Magnezone to replace your active Pokemon after KO when possible. If no Magnezone is available for replacement, replace with Electivire when possible. Use remaining Dawn and Volkner when needed.
Strategy 2 NO ELECTABUZZ in opening HAND Start with Magnemite in the active position. Put 2 Electabuzz and the remaning Magnemite on the bench. Use Leaf to protect Magnemite, Electabuzz and Magneton when possible. Attach 1 energy to the active Magnemite first, then to all Pokemon as needed. If Electabuzz moves to the active position, then put only 1 energy on Electabuzz and attack. Evolve each Magnemite to Magneton and Magneton to Magnezone. Evolve each Electabuzz to Electivire. Use Volt Charge every turn until Magneton evolves into Magnezone. Make sure Electivire has exactly 4 energy in any of the 4 ways. Evolve Magneton into Magnezone to replace Electabuzz if needed, if there are 2 Magnetons on the bench or to attack with Magnezone. Use Magnezone to replace your active Pokemon after KO when possible. If no Magnezone is available for replacement, replace with Electivire when possible. Use remaining Dawn and Volkner when needed.
Strong vs Pokemon that stall or discard your energy
Weak vs Pokemon that KO early or are fighting type
Tips Always have a backup plan. Sacrifice Pokemon to win. Dawn, Volkner and other energy are best used to make sure Electivire has exactly 4 energy. If starting with Magnemite against Manaphy or other weak Pokemon, use Magnemite to KO before retreating with another Pokemon. The best time to evolve Magneton to Magnezone is to win the match in any number of turns by attacking with Magnezone. If the opponent’s active Pokemon has exactly 120 HP and you have Electivire ready, use Electivire for KO. Use Volt Charge before evolving Magneton to Magnezone. When retreating and evolving Magnemite on the same turn, retreat then evolve.