Notes & Combos
Giovanni very important for 2 turn breakpoints with Mismagius. Could replace Giovanni with rocky helmet for breakpoints instead but I tend to like using Giant Cape on my Mismagius for longevity and using Giovanni. Deck only has one copy of Togekiss due to having both Mythical Slab and Pokemon Communications. I'm not sure what the most optimal search cards are for the deck and so I chose one of each and it works out well. Mismagius can get online super early and swing for 70 on your second turn with energy advantage. Confusion is just a plus for Mismagius, often times I tend not to risk the conusions if I dont have to but it does give leway on games with bad rng. Togetic having Fairy Wind for 40 damage is great, gives this deck a strong early mon for 1 energy, almost like a Farfetch'd. If I were to replace anything for another Togekiss it would be either Mythical Slab or weirdly Pokeball, but I tend to like only one copy.