Notes & Combos
I found an effective game plan to be to lead with Golett. Stalling with Golett by evolving it gives a great opportunity to setup either Mewtwo. Once either or both Mewtwos have 2 energy, I would begin setting up Golurk. The board becomes dangerous for the opponent once the Mewtwos are setup to start attacking on switch in and Golurk has enough energy to apply pressure on it's own if it is not already knocked out before.
5-1 Playing TCG Player Random Battles.
- Dragonite, Druddigon, Lickitung
- Nidorino, Nidorina
- Mew EX, Marshadow, Primeape (Island)
- Mewtwo EX, Mew EX, Gardevoir
- Pikachu EX, Zapdos EX, Denende, Electabuzz (Island), Blitzle
- Blastoize EX (I definitely misplayed this one)